Change the law on police cautions where minor violent behaviour is concerned.

The big idea

My idea is to change the laws so that people who have received a police caution for Common Assault, or any other minor example of violent behaviour have their DNA removed from the central DNA database, and that their police record is wiped completely after a maximum of 5 years, and further, that the caution doesn't have to be disclosed after this five year period.

Why does this matter?


I got a caution about 4 years ago. I did something silly I admit it, and I regret it. I punched somebody after getting into an argument.

I admit it was wrong, but I can't do any more than that. He called the police and I went and found them even before they had come to the house and explained the situation and apologised. I have never offended before or since, but as the laws stand now, this will always show up on a disclosure. It will also remain on my police record forever (100 years), and my DNA has to stay on a database for the rest of my life.

I do appreciate it was wrong, but it was a very low point in my life. I apologised profusely to the person concerned. He also apologised for calling the police. I know that doesn't justify punching someone but is it not a bit excessive to never let me forget about this. I cannot become a police officer, probably can't become a teacher, and there are probably many other areas of working life I am ruled out from.

I think there must be many people who are in this situation. Are the laws concerning this not a bit extreme as they stand?


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