Repeal Jeremy Clarkson

Tuesday 30 December 2014 20.58 GMT

The BBC is funded by a television tax, which inflict grossly overpaid state 'entertainers'. 1.2 million people are expected to be made unemployed because of government cuts – cutting Jeremy Clarkson would save the annual salary of about 100 workers.

The is first on the list, because of his gross offensiveness, which we pay for. Others to follow soon after.

Why does this matter?


You pay him to

  • Joke about murdering prostitutes on state TV
  • Drive 186mph on public roads – and be totally shameless about it
  • Express his gay rights position on state TV as “I demand the right not to be bummed”

Is he worth the several hundred jobs which the government will cut elsewhere?

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3 Responses to Repeal Jeremy Clarkson

  1. Ian Craig says:

    About time. Excellent idea

  2. John Bishop says:

    It isn’t just Clarkson. You get the same old scroungers on the BBC all the time. People like Michael Palin who was vaguely amusing for about 10 minutes 50 years ago. Still hanging around the inside of our tellies living on our licence fees. These people are the best paid social security scroungers in the world. Bill Odious etc etc.Abolish the licence fee and sack them all!

  3. Gary Dorrington says:

    if we all followed what you ask for we would be left with the test card?.
    Worst idea I’ve ever heard you should get out more.

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