Stop Forced Adoption of Children

The big idea

Currently a Social Worker can undertake reports to an adoption prior to any court decision, thus as a planning process approve a care plan for adoption, rather than work to reunite or rehabilitate with Parents. It is prejudicial and destabilizing to parents who seek the return of children taken from them in a Justice system that is weighted against parents in any Family Court Proceedings. Social Workers act in an unchecked system, not audited and without adequate process and proceedures. Frameworks that never uses – shall or will – any contract with a statutory Parent or body should ensure unhuman Social Workers be required to act properly – not on a maybe or perhaps Framework.

Pararel Planning under ICO is costly and wasteful, given the time in Court Process under Care Proceedings  a 6week direction by a Judge should be made prior after a fair open court hearing.

Why does this matter?

Currently Children are being taken to adoption without adequate Birth Parents rights and rights to child – ignoring Human Rights LAW.

The current proceedure is weighted against Parents.

The current frameworks has created increadible costs to public purse. Social workers use it to advantage of the system with no care to Parents or children. Currently Children Social Care and Cafacss is just an unfair and maladministered system creation of LA and State Ivory towers of – so called Public Servants milking the state and public purse and acting with no adequate fairness or honesty.

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One Response to Stop Forced Adoption of Children

  1. lynne cashmore says:

    I believe that there should be a independent party of people that are trustworthy and open to look into s,s and that in some cases ,if the partys involved are willing,to get the papers involved instead of a secret society that cannot be approached with an honest and open opproach