Ban kettling

An idea by - Tagged: , , , , - Discussion: Comment

The idea

Instruct the police to abandon their policy of "kettling" demonstrators, whereby they restrict them to a limited area and prevent them leaving the demonstration even if they want to use the toilet or simply go home. The policy of kettling has already been criticised by a House of Commons committee. It amounts to a way of discouraging people from attending demonstrations by making it an unpleasant experience for them. If demonstrators are committing public order offences they should be arrested, leaving the majority of law abiding demonstrators to continue with their demonstration in peace.

Why is it important?

To ensure that Britain allows and even encourages its citizens to demonstrate against unpopular government policies. This is a vital part of our democracy. Encouraging people to write in and email is no substitute. If the police have acquired the mistaken notion that demonstrators are supporters of terrorism or other antisocial activity, it is important to educate and inform the police so that they appreciate the importance of demonstrations as a longstanding and valued tradition in the UK.

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