Allow public access to Downing Street again

An idea by - Tagged: , , , , , , , , , - Discussion: Comment

The idea

I would very much like Downing Street to be available once again to the general public.  I appreciate the need for security, but surely we all need the right to be able to stroll down and see the dwellings that are paid for out of the public purse for the Prime Minister of the day to live in.  I remember when I was at school going down past No 10, what a thrill it was!  A policeman on duty outside, who was willing to pose for pictures and the knowledge that this was the house that the prime minister of the day did the normal things such as watching television and leaving his dirty socks on the floor for someone else to pick up.  Such a trip was denied to my children, how I would have loved to take them myself.  Please, David and Nick, open up Downing Street again and let us all be able to take a picture of the famous door, and show our children that this is the place where the Prime Minister ponders over many important affairs of state r during toast and cornflakes,  or while tossing and turning through the night.

Why is it important?

Downing Street used to be open to the public, but due to IRA activity was closed down.  It is important to open it again in order to show that British Spirit, that whatever the world throws at us, we are resilient and are freedoms will not be compromised.  It will doubtless nurture an interest in children for politics and who knows, some youngster may be thus inspired to enter politics.  It will show to all that no matter what political colour a Prime Minister is, deep down (s)he will have the same needs as anyone else.

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