Congestion charge fines trap

An idea by - Tagged: , - Discussion: Comment

The idea

The congestion charge fines are incredible traps for all drivers. I think its unfair for government and councils to setup such traps. Everyone should be given a reasonable amount of time (1 month) to pay fines – not just days and weeks while it escalates and becomes difficult.

for instance, missed the second day, and you can't pay until you get a £50 fine, and then you got 2 weeks to pay before it becomes £100 .. and then grows further every two weeks. If you are under financial strain this becomes incredibly difficult and is a harsh punishment for not remembering to pay in 24 hours. I believe most people intend to pay.. and obviously people forget (henceforth the reason for the trap as a revenue earner)

Why is it important?

Government should not setup a scheme to trap its own citizens to pay higher fines.. fines payment times should be kept reasonable. It would be useful if the government states that all charges and fines should be payable within a month – Gives people a chance to manage their finances if they are paid at the end of the month – we shouldn't be penalised for not being able to pay in days and weeks as its too difficult.

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