Reply to Mr. Clegg’s latest video response.

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Dear Mr. Clegg,

Thank you for taking the time to update your video response to the Your Freedom Website.

Unfortunately, however, you made no mention of the fact that the second highest rated Idea topic on this website was that of cannabis legalisation. You made no attempt to answer my question to you


despite my request and you neglected to mention any drug policy reform that maybe considered.

You did say that "whenever there is lively debate, it's impossible to agree". You said that in full knowledge of any and every drug reform idea on this website gaining at least a 98% to 99% approval rating. Your very words indicate the rarity of such a unanimous electoral position yet, true as day, such a rare equity of opinion has been achieved. Problem is that such agreement has not been reached in the conducive manner that your coalition government would have liked. Instead of finding that the majority agree with your dated and inadequate policy on cannabis, you have found that the vast majority totally refute the governments pathetic attempts to justify the unjustifiable continued criminalisation of otherwise law abiding and responsible adults!

Mr. Clegg, the overwhelming majority of British citizens agree with immediate drug policy reform.

  • They agree with the motto: Legalise, Tax & Regulate.
  • They agree with the immediate legalisation and prescription of medical cannabis.
  • They agree that under no circumstances should anybody ever be imprisoned for a victimless crime.
  • They agree that the drugs war is not only lost entirely but also that it could never have been won, was unjust, immoral, unethical, callus, greedy, corporately inclined to corruption, highly prejudicial and a propaganda tool of the state.

In short, Mr. Clegg, the vast majority of your electorate agree that Britain should immediately cease any commitment to the drugs war and concentrate instead to promoting and advocating evidence based policy, care for the sick and freedom for responsible adult citizens.

As this site is being closed down this coming Friday, I would like to think that this message will make its way to you Mr. Clegg. The world is embarking on a polar shift in attitude towards drug policy and Britain is fast becoming a laughing stock as it seems that everyone but us are waking up to the truth behind the years of complicit government lead lies that form the basis of the, frankly, unlawful act of prohibition.

Sir, I am neither and addict nor a user (of any drug including Alcohol). I have no concern with this issue other than my concerns regarding the fundamental injustice of the drugs war, the deeply entrenched and bitter lies of government played out over 70 years of deceit through propaganda and the subversion of society by the state. These issues are what fires me to make a stand against the states disgraceful and profound misuse of its power to govern.

This site will be worthless if you fail to finally grasp the fundamental issues of the day. One of the greatest of these is drug policy reform. Judging by this topics popularity, you would be unwise not to tackle the issue and quite speedily at that. Like our forefathers were to industrialisation, so should we be to liberty and the evolution of society. Lead, do not follow.



Why is it important?

This letter to Mr. Clegg's important. It should act like a very large wet kipper and slap him into consciousness regarding the issue that he has yet again seen fit to sweep under the ever fraying carpet.


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